It's been a year since I estimated creating this game would take about a year. Current projections: it'll take me about a year to finish.about 7 years agofrom Twitter Web Client
Are you sure?
Maybe he’s found out that he’s in a webcomic and is secretly planning …. something, while trying to prevent you from realising that he has discovered the existence of the fourth wall such that you cannot use any potential countermeasures?
Is Drake… Looking at us?
D: Nah, he’s looking up the stairs, where he thinks Ashley is. Unless my comic became sentient.
Are you sure?
Maybe he’s found out that he’s in a webcomic and is secretly planning …. something, while trying to prevent you from realising that he has discovered the existence of the fourth wall such that you cannot use any potential countermeasures?
Hmm, maybe Drake should start wearing double eye patches, just to be sure.